

12:32 a.m.

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+nobody knows.+

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round cheeks and no hips.

i want to move out.

i hate girls. do not want to live with them and their decorated houses.

---->>arrow in the butt for you, girls.

i do not want to discuss kitchen curtains with you. i want to go to sleep.

tonight i met this person who looks exactly like birss. but his eyes go cross eyed when he takes off his lens crafter glasses. and aparently brent (on) and i gave him a flower once. i think he was the lonely looking fellow on the laptop who got the second prettiest flower cos he looked soooo awfullly lonely.

as the plan was a year ago, brent and i are looking for a house (again, as exactly a year ago.)) the plan is to stay at opposite ends of the house and totally ignore each other. he'd be asleep during the day anyway. so. who knows.




+o & fro

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