

9:40 p.m.

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+ladybird and her love of wildflowers::+

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too paranoid.

smile more.

watch more mork and mindy.

today i was taking pictures in one of the pastures and heard behind me a big fat rustling of the grass,,, turned around and lady was there, happy as a lark... tail feathers waggin all over the place,, smiling, so happy. she's a jumper, you see.,, jumped over the back yard fence. so i walked back to the yard through a path my dad always cuts (from the yard to molly's grave spot), and when lady got oh so far, i couldn't see her in the grass anymore. only big rustly patches at the tops of the grass and flowers. ha. just like a disney cartoon. .. . . so animated. and i say,,,.... .. you ain't seen nothin if you've never seen a bird dog running through a tall pasture.




+o & fro

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